Update Facebook often? Relentlessly check Twitter? Selfie queen on Instagram? Yep, we do all of the above too, and claim to be social media experts. But are we really?
Sassy Girls headed over to the Wyndham Street offices of BSD Code and Design Academy for a crash course in social media management. After all, not only do we each manage our own individual social media accounts, but we also manage the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts of Sassy Hong Kong, too.
The always-smiling Nickey was all prepared to go through our individual social media networks to explain what we were doing right, and what we were, well, doing not-so-right. We learned many things: people on the other end of social media love interaction and the personal touch, how hashtags help gain more likes and followers, the importance of tagging people and businesses in our posts and to consider other potential tools for social media such as YouTube and Google Hangouts.
The key thing was that none of this was intimidating. Nickey didn’t just explain things to us; he showed us all that he was talking about on a big screen so we knew exactly how to replicate it later. We all certainly left feeling a lot less confused by the beast that is social media and how we could use it to improve the business.
And that’s what makes BSD different: it was social media management made easy. BSD ensure that their code and design education is relevant and tailored to each specific client, making it accessible for those with varying degrees of technical knowledge (and those who are not so tech-savvy, too!). Happy coding, girls!
BSD Code and Design Academy, 1503, Wilson House, 19 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong, www.bsdacademy.com