Hong Kong’s love affair with Vietnamese cuisine has given rise to many Vietnamese restaurants, and understandably so – a good hearty bowl of pho can help you pho-get about your troubles and even cure hangovers! Searching for great pho in this growing market can be tricky, so, whether you’re a budding pho-enthusiast or an absolute pho-natic, this list will help you find the best pho in the city.
If a nice hot bowl of authentic pho is what you seek, Soo Viet is the perfect place for you! Don’t let this restaurant’s humble décor fool you; its pho packs a punches when it comes to flavour, and are paired with equally attractive prices. The signature pho, the Soo Viet Noodle Soup, costs $65 and consists of Vietnamese sausages, meatballs, and tripe. The rich beef broth that carries the juicy beef slices in the Raw Beef Rice Noodle Soup ($43) is a highlight. Go there between 11:30am and 5:30pm and enjoy the lunch special, which is priced between $33 and $39. Whilst you’re there, make sure to also try the Bun Bo Hue ($50)! Addictively authentic, it is definitely another one of Soo Viet’s star dishes.
Soo Viet, 247 Des Voeux West, Sai Ying Pun, Western District, Hong Kong, 2858 1855
Bold and fun, Hang-O-Pho was named as a pun on hangover, playing with pho’s alleged effectiveness as a hangover cure. Head here during lunchtime for the set menu ($88), and enjoy a choice of a starter and a main. The only pho available on the lunch menu is the Rapid Hangover Cure (the raw angus beef pho which costs $88 a la carte), so if you want to try other phos – such as the signature Super Hangover Cure ($188), which contains angus beef, beef brisket, beef tripe, beef balls, and a tiger prawn – you will have to order separately. Hang-O-Pho’s pho broth is slow cooked for 18 hours, rendering its pho aromatic and absolutely delicious.
Hang-O-Pho, 6/F, Cheung Hing Commercial Building, 37 Cochrane Street, Central, Hong Kong, 3427 3718, www.facebook.com/hangophohk
An unassuming restaurant in the streets of SoHo, Bun Cha Vietnamese is perfect for a simple, quick, easy, hot bowl of pho. The classic Pho Bo costs $69, is rich in flavour and very authentic. Also be sure to try the Pho Ha Noi ($79), which is made with a light, refreshing ginger broth.
Bún Chả Việtnamese, Shop 1, G/F, King Ho Building, 41-49 Aberdeen Street, Soho, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, 2858 1900, www.facebook.com/bunchaworld
Chao Chao serves a good classic pho, and also puts an interesting twist on the traditional offering, with its curry broth base and tomato sauce. You can’t go wrong with the Pho Bo ($64), but if you’re feeling more experimental, try the Curry Beef Brisket with Noodle in Soup ($63). The lightness and freshness of the Lemongrass Pork Chop with Noodle in Soup ($58) is also a restaurant highlight. Or go back to traditional roots with the signature Chao Chao Noodle Soup ($88). The intense flavors in the broth and the tender meatballs and beef slices are sure to satisfy anyone!
Cháo Cháo, Shop 115, 1/F, Gourmet Place (Site 8), Wonderful Worlds of Whampoa, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 3152 2866
Want to construct your own pho? Head to Brass Spoon and customise your own bowl from the choice of flavours and toppings on offer! It costs $90 for a raw beef pho and $125 for a premium quality beef pho. Additional toppings cost extra (e.g. tripe costs $12 more). Brass Spoon’s broth base is beautiful and rich. It’s not cheap, but definitely worth a try for all pho-lovers!
Brass Spoon, G/F, 10 Pottinger Street, Central, Hong Kong, 2804 1811
Brass Spoon, Shop B, G/F, 1 Moon Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, 2877 0898, www.thebrassspoon.com
At Pho Bar, you can choose your preferred pho, noodle type, condiments, and additional toppings ($17 extra per extra topping). Its Medium Rare US Selected Beef Pho ($83) is a customer favorite, but if you’re hungry try The Supreme Combo Pho ($93), which consists of medium rare filet mignon, beef shank, oxtail, brisket, beef meatballs, tripe, and Vietnamese sausage. The foundation of any good pho is its broth, and on this front Pho Bar excels. Its slow-cooked broth has a deep flavor profile and is intensely rich.
Pho Bar, G/F, 24 Li Yuen Street West, Central, Hong Kong, 2109 2028
Striving to serve elegant, upscale Vietnamese food, whilst maintaining authentic flavours, An Nam delivers a beautiful classic Vietnamese Pho Bo ($108). Come here if you like your broth sweet and paired with tender angus beef slices. An Nam also serves a tasty Pho Ga ($98)!
An Nam, 4/F, Lee Garden One, 33 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, 2787 3922, www.annam.com.hk
Located in the Nexxus Building, Moi Moi is inspired by contemporary Vietnamese cuisine and aims put its own modern twist on Vietnamese cuisine. Making both its broth and noodles from scratch, come here from 11:30am to 3pm for the set lunch menu ($145), which includes a starter, a main, and a drink. This set menu offers pho choices: Raw Wagyu Beef, Shredded Chicken, and Beef Brisket. The Raw Wagyu Beef Pho costs $118 a la carte and is one of Moi Moi’s highlights; its broth is intensely meaty and is infused with spices. Topped with high quality slices of wagyu beef, this pho is the ultimate comfort food.
Moi Moi, Lobby, Nexxus Building, 41 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong, 2808 1086, www.moimoi.hk
BÊP is, deservedly, one of Hong Kong’s most popular Vietnamese restaurants. Come here for a variety of meaty phos, such as the classic Pho Tai ($78) or Pho Ga ($75). The Pho Tai features thin, medium-rare sirloin slices and a rich beef broth, that is spiced up with cinnamon, star anise, and dried fruit peel.
BÊP, Lower Ground Floor. 9 – 11 Staunton Street, SoHo, Hong Kong, 2522 7533, www.bep.hk
Food critic Chua Lam’s freshly opened restaurant is quickly establishing itself as one of Hong Kong’s best pho spots. The Raw Beef Pho ($88) is alluringly aromatic; the high-quality beef slices coupled with freshly made, silky noodles and a clear, rich broth base make this a hard bowl to forget! If you’re still hungry afterwards, just ask for a free noodle refill!
Chua Lam’s Pho, UG/F, 15–25 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong, 2325 9117, www.facebook.com/ChuaLamsPho