At what point in time does a woman take (financial) control of herself? Ordinarily this can be seen as a series of steps into womanhood; the gradual releasing of herself from the shelter of her parents’ home and security, the venturing into the wider world of work, career or adventure. Whatever the trigger, usually it is a slow but steady process and,for everyone, it is different.
For me, I can actually say with certainty when it happened – it was the 23 June 2005. This was my 2nd year wedding anniversary and the day my husband left me. To cut a long story short, I had to learn very quickly how to handle all the financial matters on my own. Although I was studying for a law degree when ‘he’ left, I never turned my mind to managing my own finances.,It was only in the aftermath of my marriage breaking down that I had to be a ‘Financial Grown-Up’ and learn the skills quickly.
I had to learn to budget my salary – it was now critical to look closely at what came in, what went out and how I managed my savings. More importantly, I needed to plan my future goals and what I wanted out of life. My dreams were intrinsically linked with my finances and whether I liked it or not, I need to align them. Only after this could I then work out the best options available to me and go for it!
Working as a Financial Planner now not only further enhances my money management skills, but also allows me to show other women how to be smart with their money. So this is a call to all women to get your finances fixed and stay financially aware and independent.
This article was contributed by Alison Asome of ipac financial planning Hong Kong limited. If you would like to discuss the article, contact Alison at [email protected].