whatson free june colony kids market local
02 Jun 2019

Arts, Music & Theatre

Colony Kids Market: Local Local

whatson free june colony kids market local

We’re particularly excited for the first edition of this weekend market! Organised by Colony Kids, a shop at Eaton HK that showcases the work of local creatives inspired by our city, this is a great opportunity to support their work and to discover even more of Hong Kong’s independent artists. The pop up will feature everyone from fashion designers to photographers, second-hand booksellers and vinyl collectors, knitters and tattoo artists, and galleries. Make sure to check the Facebook page to keep updated on vendors – we’ve already spotted favourites MUM’s NOT HOME and ODD ONE OUT! RSVP on the Facebook Event or register on Juven.

When: Sunday, 2 June, 12pm to 7pm
Where: Eaton HK, 4/F (Eaton House and Terrible Baby‘s terrace) 380 Nathan Road, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Event Price
Free entry – make sure to RSVP


Eaton HK, Nathan Road, Jordan, Hong Kong

Image courtesy of Terrible Baby

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