So we all learned about Bag Borrow or Steal in Sex and the City where you can rent fabulous bags without the designer price tag attached. Well, now there is a company (sorry Hong Kong – it is just in the US) that is helping girls out with their attire too! is a virtual closet where you can rent clothes for almost any occasion imaginable.
There are three membership levels (I Have To Have It, I Need It and I Want IT) and you are charged monthly from $19.99-$39.99. Each item can be kept for 10-20 days depending on your membership level.
I love this concept for party dresses since I always find myself wanting to wear a different one to each party/wedding I attend. With a website like I could wear a new dress for each occasion without shelling out loads of cash for something I will only wear once.
Now, the website is missing a FAQ section so I am still wondering what happens if you spill a glass of red wine down the front of your rental dress which has been known to happen to me!