9 June, 2010
What's On HK

The Sassy Gym Mixtape on Mixtape.me

9 June, 2010

I spend an absolute fortune on iTunes – from favourite TV shows and movies, to downloading music, last year my bill was a little out of control and I told my husband I’d definitely try to do something about it. I’m already reducing my spend by watching TV shows for free on tvshack.net, and now I’ve found mixtape.me, I’ve found a way to listen to music while I work without needing to fork out: Mixtape.Me! Unfortunately one draw-back is I can’t get the playlists I make onto my iPod to take out of the house with me, but I can make sure that I really love songs before I buy them and listen to those songs I like but wouldn’t necessarily buy… I would estimate you can probably find 90% of the songs you’re looking for on there, and best of all, as the music is pulled from legit sources, the whole thing is totally legal.

Within Sassy, Natalie is the girl who loves music the most – she is responsible for most of the fun music we play at events, and I always love her recommendations. In fact, just the other day I asked her to suggest some “get me in the gym” songs and she put together a really great playlist, which I’m now going to share with you (hope she doesn’t mind) to demonstrate how mixtape.me works! Behold, the Sassy Gym Mix! You just need to click on the Play Button above to start it up. Have a listen, and of course let us know if you have songs that you love to work out to – a little extra musical motivation is always appreciated.

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