To cater to the increasing demand for their services (and just in time for the bikini season) Strip – Ministry of Waxing has opened a second outlet just a few minutes across the road from their flagship store on 17 Lyndhurst Terrace. One Friday evening I dropped by to try their brand new offering: the strawberry wax. I must admit I was already a fan of their chocolate wax so wondered if there would be a difference and whether fruit can ever trump chocolate?
The strawberry wax, specially formulated by Strip, contains chamomile and aloe vera – soothing ingredients that make the aftermath, shall we say, a little more pleasant. I was sold on its qualities and thought it would be perfect for a waxing virgin, or someone who is sensitive to strong smells. It does leave a lingering scent but is definitely a lot more subtle than the chocolate version.
What I like about Strip is that they seem to understand exactly what a client wants from a waxing session: minimal embarrassment and as little pain as possible, within the shortest amount of time. I say this as a bit of an old hand, having tried hard wax and soft wax, which feels like a form of medieval torture when inflicted on your delicate areas. I’ve endured a few hair-raising incidences in the past, and not in a good way.
I won’t lie though: waxing does hurt, especially if you’ve never had one. I vividly remember screaming on the top of my lungs the first time – but I still think it was worth it. Like plucking your eyebrows, you can build up a certain amount of tolerance to pain. The thing about waxing at Strip is that their ‘waxperts’ are so practised in what they do, it hurts a lot less. Mine certainly helped take my mind off the task at hand with her friendly chatter and professional approach. In a way the strawberry scent also serves as a distraction as one minute you could be dreaming of strawberry tarts and 15-30 minutes later you’re um, done. Strip caters to both men and women and their philosophy is no hair is too short, no area too sacred.
Fact of the day: I was told that Aussies in Hong Kong are the most fastidious waxers. Everyone else: Unless you are follicly challenged (or maybe blessed?) it’s time to pay Strip a visit.
The new outlet is:
Strip, 9/F, 8 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, 2845 0822