26 May, 2010

Rita Konig’s NYC Apartment

26 May, 2010

I’ve been a bit of a fan of Rita Konig’s for years, since I picked up her first book, “Domestic Bliss” and fell in love with the idea of little touches of cosiness and domesticity being achievable even if you’re not the full Martha Stewart package. She also used to be an editor-at-large of one of my favourite (sadly now defunct) magazines, Domino, where she travelled around the US revealing flea shop finds and handy hints. Her approach is very relevant to Hong Kong, in that she’s all about city living, and never suggests that you need to have a grand, sweeping apartment in order to have a beautiful home. I was so happy to find this NY Times article about her latest Manhattan apartment, and to see how even in one of the most modern cities in the world, she has stayed true to her own very English-country aesthetic and some how made it work beautifully. She has also somehow found an apartment with a fireplace – one of the things I have to say I would love to have in our Hong Kong flat, even if the weather means it would never be necessary!

I love that Rita’s home doesn’t look anything like one of those slightly sterile spaces you often see in design magazines, but rather like a real home that a person could live in and be comfortable. My husband would shudder at all the mismatched artworks, but for me, floral wallpaper, pink tulips and hardwood floors are about as good as it gets. Best of all, Rita’s apartment is only 700 square feet, so there’s hope for all of us to turn our little boxes into lovely nests.

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