20 February, 2019
beauty strip semi permanent hair removal
beauty strip semi permanent hair removal

Looking To Tame That Bikini Line More Long-Term?

20 February, 2019
beauty strip semi permanent hair removal scoop

Strip now offers several different types of semi-permanent hair removal that can be tailored to your skin tone!

If you’re confused by the multitude of hair removal techniques on the market, you’re not the only one! We much prefer to head to the salon anytime we need to de-fuzz, rather than try to DIY it (partly because we are wusses when it comes to ripping off those wax strips ourselves!). That’s where Strip: Ministry of Waxing comes in. With stores in eleven cities across the globe (including Hong Kong, Singapore, London and New York), it’s gained a reputation worldwide for making the process as painless as possible. But if you are looking for a longer lasting solution, Strip also offers several more permanent options (hands up who’s been tempted to pick up a razor in between waxes when the Hong Kong heat is at its hottest!).

You can choose between laser and AFT (which is basically next-generation IPL), or get a combination of both. Therapists may recommend you begin with AFT. It uses a broad spectrum of light to target hairs and doesn’t penetrate as intensely. Whereas laser (which uses a single spectrum of light) may be recommended for more stubborn hairs. Up to 20% of your hair will be removed after just one treatment (with much more noticeable results after four to six sessions).

beauty strip laser hair removal

The last thing we want to do is let someone loose on any of our sensitive bits with a laser without knowing they are fully qualified. So you can rest assured you’re in safe hands with the Strip staff. They are all put through their paces as they learn the salon’s secret techniques at its ITEC (International Therapy Examination Council) certified training school. We recommend booking a consultation with one of its skilled therapists to talk through the various options. That way you can guarantee you’re getting a specifically tailored treatment, depending on your hair and skin tone. You want to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth after all! Which brings us neatly to the cost. Semi-permanent hair removal is definitely pricier than waxing (AFT starts from $420 and goes up to $7600, with laser starting from $462 and going up to $8360 depending on the area treated), but in theory you should eventually save money because you won’t need as many trips to the salon. Short term pain, long term gain and all that!

Sassy Perk: Strip newcomers can get 60% off their first AFT or laser treatments. Just make sure to mention SASSY60 when booking.

Strip: Ministry of Waxing, 9/F, 8 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong, 3950 3950, [email protected], www.strip.com.hk

Brought to you in partnership with Strip: Ministry of Waxing. 

Featured image courtesy of Getty, image 1 courtesy of  Gian Cescon via Unsplash

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