A right, not a luxury
Everyone should be able to access healthcare and have check ups available to them as and when they are needed, but in Hong Kong there are still many that have no way of accessing this basic need.
From refugees from areas such as North Africa and Sri Lanka, who have already been through traumatic life events; to the homeless and elderly here in Hong Kong, there are so many people that are in need of help. Through the Chinese International School’s Service Programme, their students have been made aware of their privileged position and social standing, and been inspired to really make a difference and have a positive impact on their community.
Working with the Stanley Wellness Center and Dr Lauren Bramley & Partners, the students have been working for the last three months to organise this incredible event, with the hopes to bring medical care to those who really need it; and in the process, it has become so much more than just a school volunteer project to them all.
What is it?
A free health care clinic for underprivileged adults and children in Hong Kong, organised by twelve year 12 students from the Chinese International School. The first session of the free clinic will take place at two locations – Central and Stanley – on Saturday, 12 November from 1-7pm.
What do they do?
With the first clinic taking place on Saturday, 12 November and with the aim to hold further clinics four times a year, nothing on this scale (and with this impact) has ever been organised by the healthcare community. The clinic will bring together GPs, nurses, osteopaths, OBGYNs and many more professionals from the healthcare community, to ensure that everyone’s needs can be met. Healthy meals will be provided to all in attendance and there will be some fun activities, such as face painting available… the aim is for this to be so much more than just a clinic, creating a fun and exciting day out for all.
How can you help?
With their aim to provide free health care and medication, the Free Clinic are always looking for donations and volunteers. To see how you can support this great cause, email [email protected] for further information.
Ahead of the next clinic, which is to be held in February 2017, the organisers are hoping to inspire other healthcare professionals and unify the medical community to also get involved and help this amazing project continue to grow; help them by continuing to spread the word!