They always cautiously instructed that a Rolfing session would not necessarily a sweet and creamy cupcake for my body. Quite the contrary, many described their tears and screams at the hands of their Rolfing masters. While I had always been curious as to whether I needed “realignment” (which sounded a bit like getting my car’s tires rotated), my need to conserve my tears and screams for the movies, convinced me I should pass on this particular form of “body work”. Enter Ea Holm of Rolfing Hong Kong. Ea trained in Munich, which slightly relaxed me (only because I think Munich is the friendliest city in Germany, and hoped their Rolfers were too). Ea explained the history and philosophies behind the method and assured me that the tales of medieval torture-style muscle release were no long the style du jour of the Rolf Institute (they now let the muscles come to them instead of forcing realignment).
Born in Miami, FL, Tracie headed north for college and did not look back. After slogging it out for 16 years as a quintessential Type A, ENTJ, marathon-running Wall Streeter, Tracie finally took a long, deep breath. That gasp turned into the first of many OHMs and eventually a yoga-license. During this quest, she visited nearly 40 countries; trying the best, the newest and the oddest paths to physical, mental and spiritual wellness. Finally illuminated (not yet enlightened) she realized that, despite all she had been told, New York was not the epicenter of the world. Now, Tracie is two months new to Hong Kong, and with Sassy is exploring the city inside the gym, in the great outdoors and on hilltops. In a journey to feed both her curiosity about the financial markets and her new-found realization that not EVERYONE owns a treadmill, Tracie will document her search for the key to balance in a fast-paced, diverse and fun city.