10 May, 2016
woman walking down the street
woman walking down the street

Changing the Image of the ‘Sheng Nu’: Single Ladies in China are Refusing to be ‘Leftovers’

10 May, 2016
woman walking down the street scoop

Taking charge of your own destiny


These days we’re proud to see so many examples of strong, independent women chasing their dreams, in various different professions and more closely in our own lives (just take a look at our super successful Sassy That Girls!). Yet a number of women who live just over the border in Mainland China are criticised for pursing their passions, making their own choices and being self-sufficient. There are still long-standing cultural expectations that pressure women to get married, and shame those who don’t. It’s hard to believe it, but single women over the age of 25 are given the label ‘Sheng Nu’ or ‘leftover woman’ in parts of China.

Let’s be real – there are plenty of reasons why you might want to wait to get married… or not get married at all! Some women may want to wait to find love before they commit themselves to someone for life (sounds pretty damn reasonable to us!) or they might just not want to get married. They should be able to choose whatever they want when it comes to their own lives and the lifestyle they want to lead. Isn’t that what it means to have true equality and freedom? But that is not the case in several Chinese cities, where so-called ‘marriage markets’ still exist. Daughters and sons are essentially up for negotiation, and parents judge and compare everything from appearance to salary.

To shed some light on this issue, SK-11 have launched an on-going global campaign aimed at empowering women and inspiring them to change their destiny #changedestiny. The campaign shares stories of single women in China and how they are overcoming the intense pressures from their parents to marry, choosing their own paths. Acting as a platform for these women to voice their thoughts, the SK-11 campaign is changing the preconceptions of a ‘Sheng Nu’ by showcasing how strong, confident and happy these single ladies really are.

Whether you’re married or single, want to get married or not, it’s all about feeling the best about what you do, making your own choices and being proud of them! You do you, Sassy Girls.


Brought to you in partnership with SK-11

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