whatson free june greenrace wednesday night social run
05 - 26 Jun 2019

Health, Wellness & Beauty

GreenRace Wednesday Night Social Run

whatson free june greenrace wednesday night social run

Hosted by The Green Race, a great “waste neutral” initiative that covers road and trail runs, this social run is a chance to get active without too much pressure. Taking place every Wednesday of the month, the 12km run starts from Bowen Road and includes gentle climbs mixed with some trails and cement. Make sure to bring a headlamp and road shoes! RSVP by marking yourself as “going” on the Facebook event and make sure to review and understand the waiver.

When: Wednesday, 5, 12, 19, 26 June, 7:30pm
Where: Meeting at Hong Kong Park Sports Centre, 29 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong

Event Price
Free to join


Hong Kong Park Sports Centre, Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong

Image courtesy of The Green Race HK via Facebook

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