5 November, 2010

The Sunday Stretch at Iso Fit – 21 November

5 November, 2010

Iso Fit is having an Open Day on Sunday 21 November from 10am-4pm and all classes are ridiculously cheap. This is a great way to test out their new studio on Wyndham Street and test for yourself whether all the hype about Pilates and Gyrotonics is correct (we personally think the hype is well deserved!). Also, all proceeds from the day will go to the “Save the Children” Charity.

Here are the details you need to know as it may be a bit hard to read all the information on the flyer:

Class Offerings and Prices
Pilates/GYROTONIC combo class (max of 3 per class) = $75HKD (Normal Price: $375HKD)
Reformer Class: $45HKD (Normal Price: HK$220)
Mat Class: $30HKD (Normal Price $150)

Spaces are filling up quickly so if you are interested in signing up contact Iso Fit at 2869 8630 to inquire about class schedules for the day.

Iso Fit, 802-805, 8th Floor, Yu Yuet Building, 43-55 Wyndham Street, Central

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