19 September, 2012
What's On HK

Sassy’s Midweek Minis – 19 September

19 September, 2012
There’s always so much great stuff going on in Hong Kong that it can be hard to keep track… and Sassy is no exception! So here’s another batch of Sassy’s Midweek Minis, a bite-sized catch-up session of whatever articles have been inspiring Team Sassy recently. Here’s hoping you’ll find some mid-week inspiration thanks to our Midweek Minis too!

1. Having just had my baby and been approximately the size of a small house, I started focusing more on accessories shopping – so I love hitting up here for shoes, and I’ve been hearing amazing things from Maura about this jewellery store too!

2. I’m not usually a beach person (too much sand!) but I’m planning on heading to one of HK’s fab public pools or even some of these super-luxe outdoors ones to beat the heat in the last few days of summer!

3. For some people it’s downing cocktails in LKF, for others it’s heading out to somewhere scenic and secluded, but if you’re looking for a different way to beat the stress of city living, I recommend checking out what’s on offer here.


1. With the whole of Hong Kong hooked and my culinary skills somewhat lacking, I’m about to jump on board this cooking bandwagon and fear there may be no looking back!

2. With the onset of humidity and the resulting unladylike perma-sweat appearance of all HK-ites, I have decided that I will refrain from pavement pounding and do my shopping online here instead!

3. Having a former model and fabulous photographer on the Sassy team has its uses. Sabrina’s hairstyles guide has been a lifesaver in the last few weeks.


1. After always being targeted by rain clouds (why why why does it stop raining the second I’m indoors?!), I should probably read this!

2. I’ve been bitten by the travelling bug but it’s a tad late to jet off to some far-flung destination now… so I guess I’ll just have to “settle” for going here instead!

3. I finally got my lazy butt off the couch and bought myself the awesome finishing powder that Emma & Jojo raved about here.



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