Pecha Kucha is an event format originally created in Tokyo, and its name is taken from the Japanese work for the sound of “chit chat”. The idea is that designers, artists and architects give a presentation of 20 slides, where each slide can only have 20 seconds time to describe it as the presentation will automatically move to the next slide whether you’ve finished with the previous one or not. This fun and fast format means that presentations have to be snappy and engaging, and also that if you aren’t enjoying someone’s talk, you can relax because it will be over soon!
Tonight, the 9th Hong Kong event is brought to you by the Hong Kong Ambassadors of Design and will be held at Prive on Wyndham Street from 8pm until 10pm, with doors opening at 7.30pm. Entrance is HK$80 which also includes one drink. There will be 8 inspiring guest speakers to welcome in the Year of the Tiger, and these range from video artists, to musicians to art directors. It sounds like a lot of fun!
You can see some previous Pecha Kucha presentations here.