
a la mode
At Sassy we believe that a girl can never have too many handbags. A handbag is the perfect accessory to making an outfit pop and a one-of-a-kind purse is an even better way to make a style statement. While we all may dream about the perfect designer purse the reality is that we are in hard economic times and many of us need to look for more affordable options for our handbags these days.
We recently discovered a line of exotic skin handbags created by Michelle Wray and they are so lovely we had to tell you about them. Michelle creates genuine python, crocodile, ostrich and lizard bags and they are created for girls who love timeless style yet want a little extra twist to fit their own personal look. One of the things we like best is that the different textures, markings and shades of the skin create an individual and unique design that will surely make you stand out in a crowd!
We asked Michelle why she created this line and she told us:
“My passion for skin handbags started a few years ago. I used to love window-shopping in retail shops, yet I found that the bags were ridiculously expensive. I believe that every women should be able to affordably own a one-of-a-kind exotic skin bag so I started my business with marginal profit. My goal is to happily share my deep admiration and passion for skin handbags, and connect ladies with the timeless style and exquisiteness of these beautiful accessories.”
If you are looking for an exotic skin bag and don’t want to spend designer prices check out Michelle’s website: www.ec-photo.com/mtjong329. She is currently offering a summer sale of 20% off all items!
Michelle sells and displays all of the bags in her Mid-Levels apartment. She also does tailor made skin bags if you really want something unique. Appointments can be made by calling 6533 2503 or emailing [email protected]
P.S. I can’t get Michelle’s a la mode bag (pictured above) out of my mind so I am pretty sure Michelle will be getting a call from me soon!
Prices can be found on her website or by contacting Michelle directly.