19 May 2018
Mods vs Rockers III

The third biannual Mods vs Rockers festival is taking place at Grappa’s Cellar on Saturday, 19 May. Featuring special guests from Tokyo Los Rizlas facing off against the Mod vibes of The Red Stripes and The Boogie Playboys squaring up against the electric retro of DJ Star, along with regular special guest referee David ‘Wobbly’ Ross. There will also be live Vespas courtesy of HK 2 Stroke and retro vinyl sales from Vintage Vinyl.
Time: 7m to 11:30pm
Event Price
Free entry!
Grappa's Cellar 歌柏絲意大利餐廳, Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong
Image courtesy of The Red Stripes via Facebook