
Dream Kitchen

I have to say, I think it is kind of funny that I am posting about my dream kitchen (who belongs to Gywneth Paltrow by the way) because I don’t cook and am slightly worried that I will never get the urge to actually learn for real. Anyway, you do have to have a kitchen so I don’t see anything wrong with dreaming about how I would design my kitchen someday.

Anybody who has been to my apartment knows that I love black and white (my cat is even black and white!). I thought it was just a phase and that I would slowly introduce color back into my decor but I still love the clean and modern look of a black and white room with a shot of color here and there.

So, in staying with the black and white theme this is how I hope my kitchen will look someday when I am no longer an apartment dweller. I can’t guarantee I will be cooking fancy meals but I will promise that if you come over I will whip you up a fancy cocktail in my fabulous kitchen.
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